Welcome to our Parkins family website.  We are a family of six, Charlotte and Paul and the four children, Lucas (10), Ethan (8), Cara (6) and Oscar (4).  Its hard to nail down exactly where we are from with Mum from the US, Dad from England and the kids born from as far a field as Santiago, Dublin and London. 

We love exploring and discovering new things, and this site helps us keep log of our adventures and also share them with our family and friends.   In summer 2011, we are embarking on our biggest adventure yet and taking a year off to broaden our horizons and challenge some of our boundaries.  We travelled first from London to Boston, have rested up over the summer in Cape Cod and on 10th September board flights to Los Angeles to begin the trip in earnest.  The outline of the rest of the trip are below.

As excited as we are to share with you our travels, we hope you’ll appreciate that beyond this front page we have kept the site secure and only accessible with login.  Please email us for the information and we will be happy to share.

We hope you enjoy keeping up with our experiences and we look forward to hearing back from you whilst we are away.  We have not yet managed to make the blog two way, so we hope to receive your emails.





Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away

Chilean Aysen Proverb

Cooling off from the city heat, Bangkok, Thailand


PENDING - In Progress